
Keep calm and code. Or do some other stuff.

Updated: 26.04.2020

Since version 2.5.0 of jbake it is possible to use asciidoctor-diagram.

This is a little demonstration of how to use this feature with jbake 2.6.5 and jbake-gradle-plugin.

It’s inspired by a question on the jbake user list.

gradle project configuration

Here is an example of my current gradle build file. See source @github for the full example.

build.gradle used to build this blog
plugins {
    id 'com.github.ben-manes.versions' version '0.17.0'
    id 'org.gretty' version '3.0.2' apply false
    id 'com.craigburke.bower-installer' version '2.5.1'
    id 'distribution'
    id "" version "5.1.0"

apply from: 'gradle/distribution.gradle'
apply from: 'gradle/environment.gradle'
//apply from: 'gradle/webResources.gradle'

repositories {

if ( env == "local" ){
  apply plugin: 'war'
  apply plugin: 'org.gretty'

  gretty {
    httpPort = config.server.port
    contextPath = config.server.contextPath
    extraResourceBases = [bake.output]
else {
  apply from: 'gradle/publish.gradle'

dependencies {
    jbake "org.asciidoctor:asciidoctorj-diagram:2.0.1" (1)

  version = "2.6.5"
  configuration['blog.title'] = "calmdevelopment"
  configuration['blog.description'] = "'A personal Blog. Mostly about tech stuff. groovy, gradle, asciidoctor, jbake and other interesting stuff that crosses my path...'"
  configuration[''] = "plocal"
  configuration['db.path']= "build/cache"
  configuration[''] = "$config.server.url" as String
  configuration['render.tags'] = true
  configuration['site.contextPath'] = config.server.contextPath
  configuration['foundation.version'] = "version"
  configuration['twitter.user'] = "@knarfancho"
  configuration['asciidoctor.option.requires'] = "asciidoctor-diagram" (2)
  configuration['asciidoctor.attributes'] = [
    "sourceDir=${projectDir}", (3)
    "imagesdir=${config.server.contextPath}img", (4)
    "imagesoutdir=${bake.input}/assets/img", (5)
  configuration['feed.format'] = "yyyy-MM-dd\'T\'HH:mm:ss\'Z\'"
  configuration['sitemap.format'] = "yyyy-MM-dd"
  configuration['updated.format'] = "dd.MM.yyyy"
  configuration['asciidoctor.attributes.export'] = true
1 Add asciidoctorj-diagram 2.0.1 to the classpath
2 Configure asciidoctor to require asciidoctor-diagram
3 Set attribute sourceDir to the projects directory to easyly include source files (like this one). e.g.: include::{sourceDir}/build.gradle
4 The location of the image dir referenced in rendered img-tags. e.g: <img src="/blog/img/asciidoctor-diagram-classes.png" alt="asciidoctor diagram classes" width="270" height="283">
5 The output location for the rendered diagram images

Add a diagram to your document

asciidoctor-diagram supports different diagram types. I use a plantuml block with an example copied from the README :)

A sample plantuml block
 [plantuml, "asciidoctor-diagram-classes", "png"]
 class BlockProcessor
 class DiagramBlock
 class DitaaBlock
 class PlantUmlBlock

 BlockProcessor <|-- DiagramBlock
 DiagramBlock <|-- DitaaBlock
 DiagramBlock <|-- PlantUmlBlock

The rendered example

asciidoctor diagram classes

That’s awesome!! :)

2014 - 2020 | Mixed with Foundation vversion | Baked with JBake v2.6.5